Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

Mistake theory, as articulated by Daniel Schmachtenberger, envisions the primary roots of conflict and dysfunction within human systems as largely stemming from errors in individual and collective understanding. Rather than attributing societal ills to malicious intent or inherent adversarial opposition, mistake theory posits that the majority of problems can be traced back to misinformation, inadequate epistemic frameworks, or poorly synthesized knowledge. Schmachtenberger emphasizes the importance of fostering environments that prioritize open dialogue, continual learning, and collaborative problem-solving. By recognizing that our cognitive and informational limitations often generate unintended negative consequences, mistake theory advocates for a compassionate and systematic approach to resolving conflicts, where the focus is on correcting misunderstandings and refining our collective intelligence, rather than seeking to defeat or vilify opposing parties.

See also: decision making, conflict theory, collective action, confirmation bias, game theory

DarkHorse Podcast with Daniel Schmachtenberger & Bret Weinstein 285,486

Misleading with "True Facts" (Daniel Schmachtenberger & Bret Weinstein) 27,141

Daniel Schmachtenberger: "Sensemaking, Uncertainty, and Purpose” | The Great Simplification #31 21,671

Parallax: Deep Future - with Daniel Schmachtenberger and Alexander Bard 20,142

Superstructures with Daniel Schmachtenberger | Green Pill #32 10,384

Historical & Situational Assessment - Daniel Schmachtenberger, Wade Davis @ Virtual Burning Man 2020 3,170


Markets, Exponential Technology & Transitionary Systems - Daniel Schmachtenberger 2,384

EP80 Daniel Schmachtenberger on Better Sensemaking 1,555